“Forever Young with the Big Book”, a three-part workshop with Julia K.
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ebruary 11th – Big Book BASICS: Why and How to Read the Big Book - April 15th – Big Book STEPS: Where Are They and What Do I Do
- June 17th – Big Book SPONSORSHIP: Your 12th Step Guide
Each of these three Saturdays will take place from 11AM to 3PM Central European Time at Gneisenaustraße 2A (click for Google Maps link). Walk into the courtyard and follow the AA signs. The Zoom room is: 876 1595 1555 and the password is “12&12”.
Whether you are new to recovery, new to sponsoring, or simply wish to expand your spiritual life with vital experience, everyone is warmly invited to join one or all three of these hybrid workshops available in person AND online.
Innocently or naively, I asked Julia’s opinion on why we study the Big Book. She feels that this is what changed the lives of millions of alcoholics and addictive behaviors of all kinds. As a fellowship, the Big Book is our rallying point and here we find ourselves all on the same page (pun did not seem intentional). For many of us, our strength and hope began here.
Bring a friend, your mom, or anyone who might be interested. Come early, come late, leave early or stay for fellowship afterwards and please spread the word and feel free to share the link to this page.
A suggested donation of 5 to 50 Euros will benefit the EURYPAA (European Young Peoples’ AA) convention hosted in Berlin this summer. However, please always remember that we need you more than we need your money.
If you can’t join us, here’s an abstract of the process from Ebby in 1934. To learn more, please join us!
“Well you know, you get honest with yourself; you make a self-survey; you talk it out with the other guy; you quit living alone and begin to get straight with the world around by making restitution; You try the kind of giving that demands no reward either in approval, prestige, or money; and you ask whatever higher power there is, even it it is just as an experiment, to help you find the grace to be released from alcoholism.”
Ebby is the man Bill W affectionately referred to as his sponsor, and who carried the message to him in Bill’s Story in the Big Book.
Looking forward to seeing you on February 11th. If you have any questions you can email me at ecomm.berlin@aamail.org.