Meetings Home

Meetings in Berlin

For a list of English-speaking AA meetings in Berlin CLICK HERE

For a map of English-speaking AA meetings in Berlin CLICK HERE

Meetings near Berlin

For a list of English-speaking AA meetings near Berlin CLICK HERE

For a map of English-speaking AA meetings near Berlin CLICK HERE

You are welcome to join our monthly trips to meetings near Berlin sponsored by Berlin Intergroup.

We do not provide a downloadable PDF because meetings are regularly kept up-to-date on this website. If you’re in a jam, you can always call our hotline: 030 3030 6688.

General Information

Hotline providing you with contact numbers in Berlin: Germany: 030 3030 6688.

Send meeting changes (add / delete meeting, time, day or location changes) to Berlin Intergroup via the Button “Update this meeting” on each meeting detail near the top, or via email:

Trips to meetings near Berlin

Monthly trip to Leipzig

There is a monthly trip to support AA in Leipzig on the last Saturday of every month, with travel organised and paid for by the Berlin Intergroup. If you would like to register to join us, please contact Pascal. For more information see our prospectus on monthly trips sponsored by Berlin Intergroup.

Monthly trip to Dresden

Currently not taking place! There is a monthly trip to support AA in Dresden on the third Sunday of every month, with travel organised and paid for by the Berlin Intergroup. If you would like to register to join us, please contact Hannah. For more information see our prospectus on monthly trips sponsored by Berlin Intergroup.

Monthly trip to Frankfurt (Oder)

Currently not taking place! There is a monthly trip to support AA in Frankfurt (Oder) on the second Wednesday of every month, with travel organised and paid for by the Berlin Intergroup. If you would like to register to join us, please contact Tim. For more information see our prospectus on monthly trips sponsored by Berlin Intergroup.
