7th Tradition

“We are self supporting through our own contributions”

Our own contributions enable Berlin Intergroup to provide the following services:

  • The Hotline
  • Hosting for the Website 
  • The Zoom platform for online meetings
  • Public Liability insurance for all Groups
  • Monthly visit by Berlin members to support the Leipzig group
  • Twice yearly attendance by our two reps at Regional Assembly
  • Any Public Information initiatives approved by Intergroup

In addition to maintaining a prudent reserve, any surplus funds are forwarded to Region:  

In order for us to remain fully self-supporting through our own contributions, please give freely of what you can by making a donation via bank transfer to the following account: 

Account holder:  Freunde Bill Wilsons e.V.
IBAN: DE11 1009 0000 2644 1530 05

Please reference donations as either “7th Tradition” for individuals, or “Group Donation”  for groups. This aids ready identification of payments received into our bank account. As a matter of course all individual donations are attributed to “anonymous” in our financial reports. Unidentified donations are treated as individual and therefore anonymous. Individual receipts can be confirmed by request to: treasurer.berlin@aamail.org

Thank you

PayPal unavailable

Due to PayPal’s shutting down MoneyPools we have ceased accepting 7th Tradition through PayPal. If you have any suggestions for an alternative, please email the intergroup Treasurer John, at: treasurer.berlin@aamail.org.
