*UPDATE* Turkish Trailblazers Meeting Moved to Saturdays 13:00
Turkish Trailblazers meeting moved from Sunday to Saturday 13:00.
Turkish Trailblazers meeting moved from Sunday to Saturday 13:00.
The meeting will resume as regularly scheduled on Tuesday, February 11.
The Tuesday Night City West meeting is moving from 6:30PM to 7:00 PM starting Jan. 7th. The meeting will run from 7PM to 8PM. https://www.alcoholics-anonymous-berlin.de/wp-admin/post.php?post=4697&action=edit
The Adlershof Big Book Meeting has closed.
The new literature-speaker meeting is at Dresdener Str. 11, 10999 Berlin.
The following meetings are closed because of holidays in the next weeks. This post will be updated as meetings have group consciences and report meeting closures. Tuesday Night City West: December 24th & 31st
This meeting is changing it’s start time to half an hour later and go from 7:00PM – 8:00 PM starting January 7th.
There will be a temporary change of location from 06.12.2024-03.01.2025 for Queer / Sober Neukölln. The new address is: Martin-Luther-KircheFuldastraße 5012045 Berlin Location Notes:Bus M41 FuldastraßeU-Bahn U7 Rathaus Neukölln
The Wedding North Star Speaker Meeting has moved! When? Every Wednesday at 8pmWhere? Waschküche Brunnenviertel, Feldstraße 10, 13355