Say hello to our newest Newcomers online meeting 🎉:
The Friendly Circle Beginners every Sunday at 19:30 CEST!
The room will be kept open after the meeting, so hang out with us and get into some general fellowship!
Check out the 12 Suggestions for Beginners and history of the meeting format below.
12 Suggestions for Beginners
1. We don’t drink this 24 hours, or just don’t drink for the next hour or the next minute, whatever works in that moment. if you feel like drinking, postpone the drink!
2. If a desire to drink should occur, and it’s very likely, make a commitment to yourself to call and tell another alcoholic and tell that you want to drink. Telling another that you want to drink will take the power out of the obsession/compulsion. POSTPONE THE FIRST DRINK!
3. Plan to attend 90 meetings in 90 days. Plan your day around a meeting.
4. Change routines – especially at drinking hours – to break up old habit patterns.
5. Make a list of your meetings for the week, write them down on a card and keep with you at all times.
6. Get a minimum of one commitment per week. Three AA commitments per week recommended.
7. Make 3 recovery phone calls a day. A recovery call is not a voice mail or text.
8. Always remember the AA HALT, do not get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
9. Always remember the HOW of the program: Aim for Honesty, Openmindedness and Willingness.
10. Get an AA Big Book, and a copy of the Living Sober book, and read them alone, and with your Sponsor.
11. Start working the Twelve Steps with a Sponsor, to fight such threats to sobriety as resentments, self-pity, and the tendency to dwell on the past or the future.
12. Prayer – in whatever form you prefer it.
About Friendly Circle Beginners
FRIENDLY CIRCLE BEGINNERS SAN FRANCISCO was started by Frank Brennan well over 50 years ago, and has been held in the same Church basement ever since! (You can read an obituary on Frank’s life here.)
The format is geared towards newcomers and deals with issues encountered in early sobriety, or at any times of stress at any stage of sobriety, so very nuts and bolts practical stuff for the “spiritual tool kit”.